The French press is an immersion brewing method, meaning that the coffee extracts while it is submerged in water. After it is allowed to brew for a certain amount of time, the filter is plunged downwards to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.

Because the filter is more porous than, for instance, a paper filter used with a pour over brewing method, it allows more of the coffee’s oils to pass through. However, this also makes it more likely that there will be small particles of ground coffee at the bottom of your cup.

Amael Candanedo owns the specialty coffee shop Siete Granos in Panama. He recommends that home brewers experiment using a French press: “It allows you to make small adjustments to the variables. It’s inexpensive, and there are all sizes and all materials, so it’s accessible. Finally, you don’t need a whole lot of gadgets to execute the method. It’s very easy to use, and you can make many cups at once.”

When compared to other brewing methods, the French press can also be a lot more forgiving if you aren’t precise. Costa Rican barista Fabiola Solano says: “With some pouring methods, where you have to be much more careful about how you pour water and not to do it too fast. With the French press there’s no such risk. It’s almost infallible. 

“For someone who wants to try specialty coffee for the first time, it’s a very good way to start.”


When experimenting with any brewing method, you should use a standardised recipe to make sure you can repeat the experiment and note any changes.

In case you don’t have one that you use, here’s a standard French press recipe as described by the Specialty Coffee Association. As with most brew methods, you will want to make sure you have filtered water, coffee beans, a grinder, a kettle, a scale, a timer, a spoon, and a serving cup, as well as the French press itself.

This recipe serves three and requires: 

  • 36g coffee, ground medium to coarse
  • 660ml of water, heated to 93.5°C
  • Additional water heated to 93.5°C for preheating 

For every additional person, add 12g more coffee and another 220ml of water, but make sure your French press is big enough.

Start by preheating the French press with the additional heated water. Discard this water, then add the coffee to the pot. For best results, you should grind just before brewing. Start your timer and pour 540g of hot water into the pot, saturating the coffee completely. Place the lid on the pot without pushing the plunger down.

After two minutes, remove the lid and gently stir the coffee. Add the remaining 120gs of water, then skim off any oils and grounds floating on the surface.

Replace the lid, wait for four minutes, then slowly press the plunger down. Pour and serve your coffee.



One of the biggest issues with the French press is that it often leaves sediment at the bottom of a cup. The easiest way to improve coffee brewed in a French press is by removing or reducing this sediment.

Most of the time, this is an issue with the quality of your filter. Changing the mesh filter that typically comes with the French press is one option, but you can also add an additional cloth or paper filter into the pot before brewing. Alternatively, you can decant the coffee through a paper or cloth filter into a server once it has brewed. 

As well as this, you can also skim or “break” the crust that forms at the top of the pot just before you plunge. This will force more of the sediment down into the bottom of the cup, meaning that it won’t escape the filter. Some people even recommend skimming this crust once while the coffee is brewing, and then again just before you plunge.

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Coffee Blend

Our Signature Harmony blend brings together the best of multiple coffee-growing regions to create a symphony of flavors in every cup. This carefully crafted blend combines beans from Colombia, Ethiopia, and Brazil, each contributing its unique characteristics. The result is a rich and balanced coffee with layers of complexity.

A blend of beans from Colombia, Ethiopia, and Brazil

Tasting Notes:

  • Aromas: Hints of chocolate, floral undertones
  • Flavors: Caramel, red berries, and a touch of spice
  • Finish: Smooth and lingering with a gentle sweetness

Medium, to highlight the harmonious interplay of flavors from each origin.


This blend is perfect for those who appreciate a well-rounded and nuanced coffee experience, with a balance of bold and delicate notes that delight the senses.

If you need more descriptions or have specific preferences, feel free to let me know! 😊